Starting an SEO Business Is Easy
With the Right Advice
Business Kits For SEO Professionals
We help you start your SEO agency business as easy as "ABC"...
The thought of starting your own seo business might seem daunting. It might even sound difficult, but it doesn’t need to be. As with anything, having the right mentor, someone that can help guide you, can save you a lot of time and money – not to mention make the whole process easier and more profitable.
So what’s involved? How can you get started? Is it really just a case of handing out a few business cards, building some links and making money? Well, not really. There are certain strategies and techniques that make all the difference between success and failure.
I want to help you acheive your goals and get started making some money. I’m confident the information and advice that I share in my SEO Business Startup Kit will have you making easy profits in your first month with just a handful of clients. There are literally people out there everywhere begging to take your money. There’s so much demand for good seo’s at the moment, that the industry just can’t keep up. I’m not kidding.
All of the questions, concerns and uncertainties you probably have right now, are no doubt, very similiar to those that I was faced with when I first started. But relax, with me helping guide you along the way, you can get started with much less risk, and a lot more confidence.
Now Is Definitely The Time To Get Started.
There’s no doubt that SEO is a massive industry, and the potential to make big money is obvious. It’s estimated that every day over 150,000 new websites are created. Can you imagine? That’s 6,250 websites every hour. And out of those, just how many want better search engine placement? Answer – a lot! So if you’re now at the point of considering getting started in your own seo business – now is definitely the time to do it. The opportunities are huge.
But starting any new business always leaves you with a feeling of uncertainty and almost always a list of unanswered questions. I bet you’re asking yourself right now:
- How do I write an SEO proposal? How long should it be? How detailed should it be? If it’s too long, will it scare off the client? What if it’s too short? I really don’t know where to start? What do I include?
- How to prepare a SEO Business plan? Do I really need one? I’ve never written one before, what do I put in it? Does it need to be comprehensive?
- How do I get a small business loan if I need one? What type of loan should I apply for? What type of information do I need to take with me? What type of loan rates should I be looking for?
- How much should I charge for my work? Do I charge hourly? A monthly retainer? I don’t want to undercharge, and be working for peanuts, but I sure don’t want to be losing out on projects by asking for too much. What are some rates or pricing guides?
- Should I guarantee rankings for my client?Should I offer refunds? How can I assure them that my search engine optimization will actually work within the requested timeframe?
- What questions should I ask the client during a meeting? Do I ask them what their budget is? Do I charge for my time during meetings? What information should I get from them? What questions shouldn’t I ask?
- How can I prevent not being paid? I’m scared of doing a lot of work then the client taking off on me. Is there any way I can be paid in advance, or have them sign some type of payment contract?
- How can I find clients? Should I approach local businesses or go to sites like What about door knocking and seminars? How can I build up a portfolio?
- How can I get clients to sign up to ongoing SEO services contract? I’m pretty keen on building up a reliable client base that needs ongoing month to month support at a fixed rate in order to help build revenue. How can I do this?
- How do I keep track of all my paperwork and invoicing? I’ve got receipts, invoices and paperwork all over the place. I know I should get more organised but how do I sort it out?
- Is there a business workflow structure that I should use for each job? I need something to show me exactly what to do at each step of the way and how to avoid losing control of an SEO campaign…..and so on.
- How do I write an SEO proposal?
- How to prepare a SEO Business plan?
- How do I get a small business loan if I need one?
- How much should I charge for my work?
- Should I guarantee rankings for my client?
- What questions should I ask the client during a meeting?
- How can I prevent not being paid?
- How can I find clients?
- How can I get clients to sign up to ongoing maintenance agreements?
- How do I keep track of all my paperwork and invoicing?
- Is there a business workflow structure that I should use for each job?
Our SEO Business Startup Kit Can Help You Get Started Without All the Uncertainty.
We want to help you achieve your goals and get started making some money. We are confident the information and advice that we share in our SEO Business Startup Kit will have you making easy profits in your first month with just a handful of clients. There are literally people out there everywhere begging to take your money. There’s a high demand for trustworthy and professional SEO agency at the moment, that the industry just can’t keep up. I’m not kidding.
All of the questions, concerns and uncertainties you probably have right now, are no doubt, very similar to those that I was faced with when I first started. But relax, with me helping guide you along the way, you can get started with much less risk, and a lot more confidence.
We will show you every step of the way, right from getting setup, right through to ensuring long term return customers and highly profitable campaigns. In fact, here’s just a few things that I cover in the business kit :
- Absolute must have tools, services and software
- What to ask new prospects on the phone
- How to close deals without objection
- How to always get clients signed up for 12 month contracts
- The importance of outsourcing
- How to prepare your proposals and agreements
- The most effective and easiest ways to get clients
- How to ensure steady reliable long term income
…and more
Get The SEO Business Kit Now

Tips From SEO Expert On Hiring The Best SEO Company
Should you hire someone for SEO?
At the beginning of 2020, it was estimated that the whole internet was composed of approximately 44 zettabytes of data. This number keeps growing as new websites, YouTube videos, apps, images and text are uploaded every day.
How can you stand out in the middle of this digital sea? How can your business have a presence in the middle of this noise?
Search Engine Optimization is the answer.

Among search engines, Google is by far the most popular one, with 91% of market share, its RankBrain being responsible for assessing how valuable each piece of content is, then serve it to searchers around the world.
To increase the likelihood of appearing in the first spot of Google searches, businesses and eCommerce stores of all sizes turn to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to improve their visibility.
Optimizing your platforms and creating SEO-friendly content is the way to set you apart from the competition, command attention and increase your bottom line.
All this at a lower cost than traditional marketing means: lead generation in SEO can cost up to 61% less when compared with cold-calling.
But should you engage directly with your own Search Engine Optimization efforts or leave it for someone who knows better?
Freelancers, agencies, employees and you
The importance of optimizing your platforms for search engines is critical, and so are the skills of the person who does it. Between freelancers, agencies, in-house specialists and a do-it-yourself approach, here’s an overview of what you should expect:
There are freelancers for every price range and you generally get what you pay for. Beware of the ultra-cheap SEO scam and take your time verifying the reputation of higher-priced ones.
The advantage is you’ll spend less money than hiring someone in-house, while still having an expert on the job; the downside is you won’t have his or her full attention since freelancers need multiple clients to have income.
An adequate solution if you’re getting started and want someone with expertise for a competitive price.
An agency like SEO Singapore Services can offer a wide range of services which include SEO and other marketing-related packages. This company offers expert work for attractive prices. To find out more about their packages and offerings, visit their website at to learn more.
When you don’t have the budget for hiring the best SEO consultant in-house, but don’t want to commit to a single freelancer, agencies are a good option. The downside is the agency is an outsourced team, which might make the work feel detached or sometimes inconsistent over time.
An in-house SEO specialist is usually advised for medium and large businesses. This is the best option if your strategy is complex and has multiple metrics to track.
The advantage of having a specialist in the office is that he’ll have a deep knowledge of your business, you can talk face-to-face and discuss each step, and he can coordinate directly with the marketing department.
The downside is that in-house SEO is usually more expensive, needs at least intermediate-level experience in the field to be effective, and you need to have enough SEO-related work to justify the hire.
The good news is you can also develop and implement your own SEO strategy. Many popular website-building platforms have SEO tools that either optimize your website automatically, or have easy to follow guides to help you steer your content towards visibility.
This is the cheapest solution, though it comes with a learning curve (you’ll get good at SEO, but you have to invest time and effort), and you must realize if doing your own SEO is not keeping you from focusing on more relevant tasks, such as running your business. In that case, the options above are still better.
Tips for finding the right SEO Agency
When looking for the right SEO agency for your business, you should look for:
- Companies who show clear strategies to achieve visibility. If the talk is too abstract, too focused on the mysticism of the craft, then they probably don’t know what they’re talking about.
- Listen to the opinions of friends, family, colleagues to find your match;
- Look for a company who works the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that match the ones relevant to your business. For instance, if you’re running an online store, the conversion rate KPI is fundamental.

In conclusion
Visibility is key and SEO is a great tool to achieve it. Whichever option you decide to pursue, bear in mind what is more efficient. While doing it yourself might seem like you’re saving money, you might be leaving important work undone.
If that’s the case, find out more about our services by clicking here. Focus on your business while we focus on getting your brand out there